I can't help but love it when I am completely blow away by a book. It happens but not very often. First of all that cover. It's so...simple that I love it. If I saw this book in the bookstore then I would probably make a beeline for it, it's just so different. Speechless is different.
So we have Chelsea Knot a girl who can't seem to keep her mouth shut. She gossips, spreads rumors, and can't keep a secret. I really like Chelsea she was strong even thought she probably didn't think she was. If I was in her position I wouldn't have lasted that long being silent. I think I've lasted a day at most but that might be stretching it. I think she lasted four weeks without talking. She didn't even speak when there was no one else around to hear her.
Sam was just so adorable and sweet. As soon as he came into the book I loved him. He was just so understanding and good for Chelsea. At first I was sure that Brendon was going to be the love interest and I wasn't crazy about him. There was nothing wrong with him but he's not Sam. Whenever Chelsea was with Sam I couldn't help but smile, they were just so cute together.
The other characters in Speechless are as unforgettable as Sam and Chelsea. Especially Noah. Gosh I love Noah. Mostly because of what he said at to Chelsea near the end of the book but I don't want to spoil it for people planning on reading this so I won't say any more about that.
Speechless tackles some subjects that I know come up often and it does it perfectly. It really drove the message home. As I was reading, this book made me think about my life and my school. It was just so realistic. It reminded me of the day of silence that a few people at my school participated in. I'm sure many people will be able to somehow relate to the story if they've ever been to high school. But despite the serious subjects in the book I found myself laughing. It wasn't like this book was a depressing story about a girl who made some mistakes and was bullied. I mean sure it had that but it also had humor in it too which I loved because who doesn't like laughing?
I highly recommend this book to fans of Before I Fall. Actually I recommend this to anyone looking for a great book.
*I received this book via Edelweiss. Thank you!