Days of Blood & Starlight - Laini Taylor

This review is also posted on Living for the Books

I waited far too long to read Days of Blood & Starlight. My emotions are all over the place. I'm still trying to recover from it. At one point I was disappointed but happy. I wanted to sob and smile. As weird as it sounds I like that. I want a book to make me feel something for the characters. I'm so glad the world didn't end so I could finish this book.

I don't even know where to begin with the writing. Laini Taylor has a gift. Her writing is just beautiful and once I actually had the time to sit down and read this book I couldn't stop. From 7 in the morning until about 4 I had this book right next to me. I couldn't even eat without reading this.

And the characters were just perfect too although I was really annoyed at Karou for most of the book. I loved Ziri, Liraz, Hazael. Of course Brimstone is my all time favorite character from this series. Every single time they mentioned him I wanted to cry.

The only problem I had with this book was Akiva and Karou's relationship. I wanted more of it. What did I get? Chapters and chapters of them separated and Karou constantly punishing herself for loving Akiva. It made me want to shake her and scream that they are meant to be.

At least everything else about the book almost made up for that problem. Zuze and Mik were so adorable. I swear if something happens to them in the next book I'm going to sob my eyes out. And Ziri has to get a happy ending.

If you loved Daughter of Smoke & Bone then I would suggest running out and reading Days of Blood & Starlight not only because it has a gorgeous cover but because it was almost as good as the first book and the first book was pure awesomeness.

Now I'm just wondering how I'm going to survive the wait for book 3. I mean how could it just end like that with the third book so far away?