Pushing the Limits - Katie McGarry

This review is also on Living for the Books

Why did I wait so long to read this? I probably would have waited even longer to read this if a bunch of people hadn't told me how amazing it was and that I had to read it as soon as possible. They were so right.

From the moment the book started I needed to know what happened to Echo and what was going on with Noah. The story pulled me in and didn't let go. I probably would have stayed up all night to read it and I almost did but somehow I stopped myself.

The characters in this book moved me to tears. Especially Noah's little brother. Little kids have a way of making me cry. Jacob wasn't the only character that brought me to tears. Both Noah and Echo made me wish for a box of tissues. Even the characters that seemed like they were against Noah and Echo were amazing.

Both of the main character's stories were so heartbreaking and I couldn't help but feel bad for them. I'm pretty sure almost anyone could sympathize with them because their problems were so realistic.

I absolutely loved the romance in this book. At first it seems that Noah and Echo have nothing in common but then they realize that they have much more in common then they first thought. I loved watching their relationship grow. It was probably one of the best parts about the book.

Pushing the Limits was so good that I would recommend it to anyone looking for a book that will make you laugh, smile, and cry.

*I received this from Harlequin Teen Panel. Thank you!