Shadowhunters and Downworlders - Robin Wasserman, Sarah Cross, Holly Black, Cassandra Clare, Rachel Caine, Scott Tracey, Gwenda Bond, Kendare Blake, Michelle Hodkin, Kate Milford, Sarah Rees Brennan, Kami Garcia, Sara Ryan, Diana Peterfreund, Kelly Link

This review is also on Living for the Books

So I think it's important to say that I am a fan of Cassandra Clare's books. No wait. I'm a just a little (ok a lot) obsessed with her books (mostly The Infernal Devices). But I didn't enjoy this at all.

Most of the essays were pretty boring. They just lacked the spark I was looking for. I'm pretty sure the only reason I got through this was because I just didn't want to study for midterms but after reading a few pages I would want to go back to studying so I guess that's not the reason.

The essays kept repeating things that were said in the essay before it. I get that there's character diversity. I get it! No need to say it in multiple essays. It was like my English class except my teacher is more interesting than these essays.

There was one essay that really didn't sit well with me and that was Kendare Blake's which is a shame since I really like her books (Anna Dressed in Blood and Girl of Nightmares). She tried to explain the incest part of The Mortal Instruments and how it wasn't actually that bad. Excuse me while I try to erase that from my mind.

I think that many of the essays are over analyzing the books and trying to find more meaning after they already found meaning. Out of all of the essays I think Michelle Hodkin's was the most insightful. While I was reading I never really thought about Simon being Jewish and what that could possibly mean but now I know.

Personally I wanted Cassandra Clare to explain they whys of her book. I was disappointed that The Infernal Devices were barely mentioned. I'm pretty sure Holly Black was the only author that brought it up. Out of all the authors Sarah Rees Brennan's essay was by far the best. It was funny and playful, instead of like a dull essay for school.

I'm not even sure if I would recommend this to a fan of The Mortal Instruments because I am a fan and I didn't enjoy it.

*I received this book via Netgalley. Thank you!