Full disclaimer I bought this on a whim because I thought the cover was pretty. I honestly didn't know much about it, but I had seen it a lot online. This was a couple of years ago so when I decided to pick it up the other day I went in remembering really nothing about it. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It was a good way to really get back into reading. I finished it in nearly a day because I was just so intrigued by the story.
I really loved the entire premise of the book because it was so different from anything else I've read from what I remember. I immediately wanted to know what exactly was going on with Khalid. It was just so fascinating. I enjoyed the depth the character had and I really enjoyed how Shazi didn't immediately think that everything was ok after she unlocked his Tragic Backstory.
Truthfully I didn't like Shazi at the beginning. I understood her motives, but I don't get why she started telling Khalid a story her first night. I feel like it was risky and how could she have known that it would work. It just seemed odd to me even though I enjoyed the stories. After awhile her character did grow on me because she's very headstrong and people respect her for that.
I really loved the story and the characters, but the book wasn't without flaws. The romance between Shazi and Khalid was classic insta love. Honestly I'm surprised I didn't have an issue with it. I usually can't stand it when books have this, but I was able to look past it because after it happened the story was just so good. It kept me wanting more to the point where I didn't want to put it down.
I can't wait to read the next book in the series because the end of this one left me wanting more.