
This book was not at all what I was expecting. The summary is very misleading. It promised three queens that were all spectacularly gifted, but it didn't deliver. I felt kind of lied to.
Lately, I seem to be picking up books that are incredibly slow in the beginning and then pick up pace about halfway through the book. This one didn't seem to pick up until very close to the end. That's about the only exciting part of the book with a few chapters that were more entertaining than others. The premise of the book was enough to keep me reading. I wanted to know which queen would survive so bad.
For the most part, the characters were decent. I wasn't strongly attached to any of them, but I did enjoy Arisnoe and Katherine's chapters much more than Mirabella's. By the end of the book I hated Mirabella as a character. I completely disliked her relationship choices. It was unnecessary and honestly uncomfortable to read about, especially because the character she's involved in is someone that is very present throughout the story. I did really enjoy reading about Arisnoe and Katherine and that's probably because they struggle, unlike Mirabella. I found Mirabella annoying, even before she made poor choices. Out of the three sisters I feel like her self-pitying was the least warranted and the most annoying.
I thought the world that Kendare Blake created was quite vivid and easy to picture, as well as interesting. It kept me intrigued throughout the story and honestly I'm strongly considering picking up the second book, even though I didn't love this one. I'm hoping that it will be more exciting, especially after the ending of this one.