Midnight at the Electric - Jodi Lynn Anderson
It's been way too long since my last five star read. Everything I had been reading lately just lacked that extra something that makes me absolutely love the story. Midnight at the Electric exceeded my expectations and left me near tears by the end of it. I don't know why I ever expected anything less from Jodi Lynn Anderson since Tiger Lily left me feeling a similar way.

The book is entirely character driven while sometimes that can leave me a little bored, this story didn't. I was invested in all the characters by the end, even characters that I initially didn't really like. The development of all of the characters, even the side characters amazed me, especially considering three different stories are being told in less than 300 pages.

The way that the author wrote all of the experiences that the characters had from loss to romance to friendship was so well done and believable. I really liked how the romance didn't eclipse the rest of the book and that it didn't make Catherine forget other important things.

I loved the ending and will definitely be checking out other books by this author in the future. The ending was bittersweet, but it fit so well with the characters and the story line.

*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!