This review is also on Living for the Books
I can't believe it's over. This series has been one of my favorites for the past couple years and it's always been in the back of my mind. So now that it's over I'm not sure what to do with myself. Guess I'll just have to read some more books.
I'm going to try to make this as spoiler free as possible.
"You know that feeling," she said, "when you are reading a book, and you know that it is going to be a tragedy; you can feel the cold and darkness coming, see the net drawing close around the characters who live and breathe on the pages. But you are tied to the story as if bring dragged behind a carriage, and you cannot let go or turn the course aside."
That quote from the book basically sums up my feelings while I was reading. There was no way this book could have ended without some sort of heartbreak. And believe me the ending was so heartbreaking but also so sweet.
The characters were absolutely amazing and so realistic. I cared about all of them (which is very rare since I'm kind of picky about the characters I like). But all of them were unique and had their own story that made them who they were. After risking so much, I was so glad that most of them got their happy endings.
The love triangle in this book is how a love triangle should be written. Many books have love triangles but most of them are nothing like the Will-Tessa-Jem love triangle. I actually liked both guys in the love triangle (I ship Will and Tessa but I still love Jem). Loving both guys is just a recipe for heartbreak.
The relationships between all the characters was also another part of the book that I love. Will and Jem's friendship made them like brothers and it was so heartbreaking when Will or Jem would think of when they were children or the adventures they had. I sobbed whenever Will thought of the first time he met Jem.
Even though Tessa can't fight like the Shadowhunters she's still powerful in her own way. I loved how she was so determined and willing to give anything to protect the people that she loves. I'm definitely going to miss her as a main character.
Clockwork Princess was a much darker read than the other two books in the series. Despite that, the book had me laughing. Not as often as in the other books but the little bits of humor were perfectly timed. The sarcasm in all of Cassandra Clare's books never fails to make me laugh.
The ending was actually very satisfying even though I was crying so much I couldn't even read the page. I totally called who Brother Zachariah was but I never would have guessed the twist at the very end of the book. When you read this book I highly recommend keeping a box of tissues close by just so you're prepared.
Now I must say goodbye to one of my favorite series and the characters I have come to love.