I can't even begin to describe how much I enjoyed this book. It was everything I wanted and more. From the beginning of the series I was a tiny bit worried about the addition of so many different points of view, but it ended up really working for the series.
The characters are absolutely brilliant. I love how Cinder isn't brave all the time and that she has vulnerabilities and doubts but she doesn't constantly whine about them. Characters that have legitimate fears and feelings always seem more real to me and character quality is a huge factor into how much I enjoy a book. Cinder may be the best mechanic out there, but she doesn't excel at everything else quite as easily. She has to work towards being able to use her Lunar powers and I really enjoyed seeing them develop. Her sassy comments also make me love her even more.
The new addition to the growing cast of characters is Cress. She's probably my favorite character from this series because out of all of them she seems the most realistic. Cress is awkward and naive from years of being alone on her satellite. The way she handles the situation that she's thrust into is believable, not only because she is slightly awkward around people but she also did not get much exercise in the satellite. How she looks at the world is so precious and the massive crush she has on Thorne is adorable.
I don't remember there being many interactions between Cinder and Kai in Scarlet if there were any at all, but in Cress there's definitely a little bit more. Obviously, there are much more pressing matters on both of their minds but their moment was so sweet and it fit in so perfectly. I really hope that there's more Scarlet and Wolf in the next book because I love them and there was not much going on between them once the book got started, for reasons I will not mention. As I said before Cress's crush on Thorne is the cutest thing and I loved how their relationship developed as the book went on.
My only complaint about this series is that I still find it a tad bit predictable but I've come to expect that from this series so it didn't ruin the book as much as it probably would have, if I was reading a different book or series.
Cress is another breathtaking installment in The Lunar Chronicles. Hopefully the wait for Winter won't be too long.